Community Group or Missional Community?

Give us your preferences.

Groups will get started again in August/September.

We offer what we call Community Groups, along with a couple of pilot Missional Communities.

If you're interested in being in a group, take a look at these general descriptions and indicate your preferences below.

COMMUNITY GROUP: This is currently what we offer at Redeemer; and no two groups are exactly alike! These group meet together as often as they will: some twice a month, some three times a month, some every week. They gather for a bit of food and fellowship and then look to spend some time doing a discipleship lesson together and praying. They also hope to find a way to serve the community a time or two throughout the year. For those Community Groups where childcare is an "issue," they figure it out on their own—(1) some invite the kids to group and live with the “chaos”, (2) some drop the kids off at one house with a baby-sitter and then go meet at another house, (3) some get creative with their schedule: one week they bring their kids, the next week just the men meet, the next week just the women meet, and then the next week the adults meet and everyone gets a babysitter, (4) etc.

MISSIONAL COMMUNITY: We're in the early stages of piloting two of these kinds of groups. Could it be a better rhythm for group life, especially for those families/groups who have childcare "issues"? Ideally this group forms around a mission—a person/couple feels called to minister to a particular people group in the city and then others join them in that effort. But, they don’t have to form that way, as long as mission is a driving value of the group—early on the group is seeking the Lord and determining together, “Who in our community will we serve together?” Also, the rhythm of this group is different, looking to implement three rhythms into their group life. One, the group meets at least once a month, maybe twice, for a Family Meal. Everyone, kids and all, is invited to this meal. There is no lesson to prepare for, and there is no expectation to quiet the kids so the adults can do a lesson. It’s just a Family Meal to catch up, laugh, cry, and care for one another—even if they kids are running around crazy (think Thanksgiving meal where the young cousins are in the backyard, upstairs, running through the living room, etc. - it's no big deal because they're part of the family!). Two, the men and women gather separately for Discipleship, ideally once a week, but more realistically every other week. Maybe it’s an early morning meeting for the men in a coffee shop. Maybe it’s a Sunday evening meeting for the women in someone’s home. It’s an intentional time for the men to get together to discuss their Bible reading and obedience, walks with Jesus, and missional efforts. Same for the women. Third, the group looks to serve on their Mission a number of times throughout the year. This isn’t just a tag-on, but rather an important rhythm for the group. We are the family of God who love one another (Family Meal), disciples of Jesus who learn from and follow Him (Discipleship), and we are missionaries seeking to make disciples who make disciples (Mission).

SO, whether you're currently in a Community Group or not, if you're interested in being in either a Community Group (stay in the same one or make a change) or being part of piloting a Missional Community, please carefully read the options below and indicate your preference.