RSM Discipleship Training

Live with purpose!

Hear the Vision and Join the Movement

WHO FOR - 10th graders and up who are passionate about growing in their faith. You must be F.A.T. (Faithful, Available, Teachable)

GOALS - The goals for Discipleship Training are (1) to strengthen your personal relationship with Jesus, and (2) to equip you with the vision, skills, and tools to disciple others.

EXPECTATIONS - The bar is being raised.

  • Complete all assignments prior to discipleship group in order to participate fully:
  • (1) ponder the Core Truth,
  • (2) memorize the Memory Verse,
  • (3) complete the Inductive Bible Study, and
  • (4) do the Reading.
  • Offer yourself fully to the Lord with the anticipation that you are entering a time of accelerated transformation during this discipleship period.
  • In your discipleship group contribute to a climate of honesty and personal vulnerability in a spirit of mutual up-building, and maintain strict confidentiality in order to foster trust.
  • Give serious consideration to continuing the discipling chain by committing yourself to invest in at least two other people for the year following the initial completion of Discipleship Essentials.

HOPES - Lots of fun seeing an abundant harvest of reproducing disciples of Jesus raised up at Redeemer!

  • Disciples of Jesus - Each of us takes great strides toward maturing as a disciple of Jesus
  • Reproducing - Each of us gains the vision, skills, and tools needed to help others become reproducing disciples of Jesus
  • Abundant Harvest - In due time more and more and more students at Redeemer are joyfully following Jesus and helping others do the same 
  • Lots of fun - It will be challenging, and maybe even painful, but also a fun adventure as together (and together is always better), we grow as disciples who make disciples.

Want to be in a D-Group? Let us know below!