RSM Announcements

Find out what's going on at RSM!

RSM Announcements:


  • Wednesday - RSM 6:30 – 8:00 pm @ The Mill.  We will be studying John 3:22-36 - John the Baptist's Last Testimony.
  • Friday is our RSM Fun Night from 7-9pm! We will order pizza and play fun games. The jr. high will play in the Mill and the high school will play kickball outside and then move to adult room 3 in the Main to play some games.
  • Sunday - RSM Sunday School 9:15-10:15 am in The Mill - Ephesians 2:1-3 - We are hopeless and helpless apart from Christ.

Help Needed:

  • This Friday night we could use a couple more adult chaperones. If you can help, please sign up here!
  • Fall Fest - Sign up to decorate a trunk here!


  • Sunday, 9:15-10:15 am - Come join us for our new Sunday School Parenting Class in the Main Sanctuary.  
  • If you can't make it to the class, but would like the link to the video series, email me and I will send you the link!
  • One a Day and Pray - October1st - November 19th: The Book of Genesis!


  • October 18th - Friday Fun Night 7-9pm
  • October 26th - Fall Fest 4-6 pm
  • Our winter retreat is February 28th thru March 2nd. We are going back to T Bar M! 
  • You can find the Fall calendar here!